It’s difficult to do our best work when we can’t find what we’re looking for (or get to it) because of all the clutter. Plus, the more clutter there is around us, the more difficult it is to keep our personal workspace clean and sanitary.

So, here are a few suggestions to better organize your personal space and help keep it clean!


Ways to Declutter and Better Organize Your Workspace:

  1.  Resist the urge to pile items on the floor. Not only does the floor get dirty, but so do the items you put there.
  2.  Tether your electronic cables to keep them neat and orderly. This helps to avoid accidents and makes cleaning around and under them much easier.
  3.  Limit personal items on your desk (like photos, plants, etc.) to no more than 3. Your desk is a workspace so get as much productivity out of it as you can.
  4.  Schedule time each day to file documents and papers so they don’t pile up or get lost.
  5.  Place a whiteboard in your space to help organize your thoughts and tasks. Sticky notes are colorful, but you do want to be able to get to your desk or computer monitor!
  6.  Drawer dividers are ‘must use’ items to create separation and better organization.
  7. Think about putting shelves (if possible) on your office walls near your desk. This helps to keep unnecessary items off your desk top and provides another level of organization.
  8.  Label cabinets to help you (and others) find things more quickly and easily.
  9. Avoid eating at your desk.
  10. Schedule time each week or month to routinely declutter your space to keep it organized and sanitary.